Monday, February 17, 2020

Aristotle,nz Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Aristotle,nz - Essay Example The procedure of realizing excellence of character calls for individuals to develop a steadiness of character by adopting virtuous pursuits and shunning vice. Aristotle stressed the ethical as well as normative effect of virtuous regulations would contribute towards assisting or directing human beings in the pursuit of good. Thesis Statement: From Aristotle’s treatise, all human beings have the capability of acquiring the excellence of character and thought through the constant practice of constructive behaviors such as temperance and duty. Aristotle also wrote about the excellence of thought- or intellectual excellence. He specified that common sense as well as practical wisdom could also be considered as being a kind of excellence of thought. From his writings, it is evident that Aristotle believed that the combination of these two types of excellences is what would be the redeeming factor of the human race. The concepts on the excellence of thought and character tie into Aristotle’s ideas on temperance and intemperance. According to Aristotle, the acquisition of temperance is important because it brings a balance between the excesses that are easily embraced by the untamed human soul and the insensibility that characterizes extreme asceticism. This is directly related to the portrayal of temperance in any challenging situation. For instance, an individual who was practicing temperance would find a balance in the expression of his or her emotions. In a situation where there was a significant threat, the temperate individual’s expressions of fear would not be more or less that the situation called for. However, an intemperate person would either express extreme stoicism or extreme fear that did not correspond to the danger of existing threat. Essentially, the possession of temperance in a human being is what will keep the soul’s need to yearn for different things in harmony with common sense

Monday, February 3, 2020

Alzheimer's disease and the effects on family members Essay

Alzheimer's disease and the effects on family members - Essay Example There is not a specific cause, but has several risk factors such as age, family history and inflammation in the brain. Scientists are investigating if environment, education and diet are risk factors for the disease. Alzheimer's disease is named after the German physician, Alois Alzheimer, who discovered the changes in a 51 year old woman's brain tissue that had passed away from a strange mental illness. Most AD patients live 8 to 10 years after being diagnosed, but some can live as many as 20 years (NIA). Women usually develop Alzheimer's more than men because women live longer. The family role of care giving is becoming more prominent on account that long-term facilities are so costly and nursing homes have negative stigmas. The cost of family care giving averages about $77,447 and the cost for long-term care runs about $5,000.00 a month. The impact of Alzheimer's disease takes a toll on family members because family caregiver's health begins to decline. Research shows that family members who provide care to individuals with chronic or disabling conditions are themselves at risk. Emotional, mental, and physical health problems arise.